Saturday, November 24, 2007

Town Democrats Look to Future

Clifton Park Democratic Committee leaders are reportedly gearing up to support the 2008 re-election efforts of Assemblyman Bob Reilly (pictured right) and Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand. Both candidates are featured prominently on the CP Democratic website at

Though disappointed that they were unsuccessful in capturing any new elected positions in this year's town elections, the Committee was pleased with Judge Robert Rybak's victory for Town Justice.

It is currently unclear exactly what changes if any the Democratic Committee will be making to try and make themselves more competitive in local races in the future. Other than Rybak, the Democrats have not held any elected offices in Clifton Park since the mid-nineties. This record of continuous losses has been a constant theme in town politics for a long time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope there are no changes in the leadership here. As a Republican, these guys are the best thing since sliced bread for us! Let's hope they keep using the same pitifully poor strategies in the future.